Impact report 2020
Your support means we are able to deliver vital programmes in Ndhiwa. You can find out more about these programmes in our 2020 Impact Report. We hope you enjoy reading about how your donations have helped achieve some amazing things for the women and girls of Ndhiwa.
Impact report highlights
- 480 of the most vulnerable girls were given access to safe spaces, counselling and home visits from a social worker to enhance their personal safety and wellbeing.
- 450 families of the vulnerable women and girls received public health education awareness on COVID-19 to protect them from infection.
- 700 pupils continued to benefit from reading clubs / homework club and tuition sessions (560 girls and 140 boys) to maintain their education during school closures.
- 234 female caregivers of girls received agricultural training to build their capacity and independence, strengthen household incomes and enhance food security.
- 260 families received emergency agricultural supplies enabling them to grow nutritious food and sell the surplus to provide an income.
- 510 women were engaged in table banking (microfinance) groups to enable them to save and access loans to start and continue small businesses.
Read the full impact report here: Team Kenya Impact Report 2020
If you have any questions about our impact report, please do not hesitate to get in touch.